Hiring a Cheap Painter Can Be a Costly Mistake!

2023-01-30T14:57:43-04:00January 30th, 2023|Categories: Exterior House Painting, Interior House Painting, Kitchen Cabinet Painting|Tags: |

Let’s be honest with each other, getting your house professionally painted—interior or exterior—is expensive. Professional painters are backed with insurance, years of experience, and proper equipment which tends to come with a hefty price tag. Naturally, you go online and find someone else who’ll do it for less than a third of a price.

Get the Interior of Your Home Painted in 2023

2023-01-19T14:05:05-04:00January 16th, 2023|Categories: Interior House Painting|Tags: |

For many, the New Year inspires people to change their lives and better themselves. But what about your home? According to the American Time Use Survey, Americans spend about 62% of their waking time at home. Over at DeHaan Painting, we think your home should represent you and be your sanctuary from the outside

Three Unique Kitchen Cabinet Colors

2022-12-30T14:37:45-04:00December 22nd, 2022|Categories: Kitchen Cabinet Painting|Tags: , |

Our last blog was about whether or not you should paint your own kitchen cabinets. Regardless of if you decided to do it yourself or hire someone else, you’re now stuck with the daunting dilemma…“what color should I paint my kitchen cabinets?” If you’re anything like me, you’re a little tired of all the

Kitchen Cabinets: Do It Yourself or Hire Some Else?

2022-12-22T12:50:19-04:00December 13th, 2022|Categories: Kitchen Cabinet Painting|Tags: , , , , |

Have you ever had that home project where you think “yeah, I could probably do that myself;” then cut to two weeks later, not even half of the project is done and you’re sitting in the middle of the floor, overwhelmed with paint on your forehead? You’re lying if you say you haven’t.

When They Painted the Town Lead

2022-12-01T15:44:34-04:00November 30th, 2022|Categories: Exterior House Painting, Interior House Painting|Tags: |

“Back in my day, even the paint used to try to kill ya!” said a  grandpa somewhere, reclining in his oversized ottoman as the grandkids complain about helping grandma with chores. This memoir falls in line with all the other stereotypical things older relatives tend to use to gently remind us how it was

3 Interior Paint Colors That Make Your Home Look Clean

2022-12-01T15:47:09-04:00November 10th, 2022|Categories: Interior House Painting|Tags: |

(Psst... It’s Not White) Did someone forget to tell your two-year old that sticky hands and white walls don’t mix? Or maybe you just like your home to look fresh, airy, and clean? Either way, you probably know the pain of scrubbing your white walls every couple of weeks because they just can’t seem

How to Use the Sherwin Williams’ 2023 Color of the Year in Your Home

2022-11-10T12:57:40-04:00October 21st, 2022|Categories: Interior House Painting|Tags: , |

The color red is typically used to portray passion and vibrancy, it tends to scream “Look at me! Here I am!” However, Sherwin Williams’ 2023 Color of the Year is a subdued, earthy shade of red– bordering on pink depending on who you ask– that is cozier and inviting, making it far easier to

The Top 4 Benefits to Getting the Exterior of Your House Painted

2022-09-27T13:22:54-04:00September 21st, 2022|Categories: Exterior House Painting|

There are many reasons to have the exterior of your house repainted. Not all are aesthetic, although that is one of the top reasons. As you pull into your driveway, you probably notice the Amazon package sitting on your doorstep, or maybe you notice the dying plants sitting on your porch. I suppose some

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