There are many reasons to have the exterior of your house repainted. Not all are aesthetic, although that is one of the top reasons.

As you pull into your driveway, you probably notice the Amazon package sitting on your doorstep, or maybe you notice the dying plants sitting on your porch. I suppose some people just drive into their garage, go inside, and completely miss the chipping paint on the front of their home, the rotten wood by the downstairs window, or any other painting needs.

Here are a few reasons why you should pay more attention to the condition of your exterior paint:

  1. Increase Curb Appeal

The most obvious reason is, of course, the aesthetic and added value of the home. People love old houses, but chipping baby blue paint isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. While the color you decide to paint your home is your choice, a fresh coat of paint can definitely help to heighten the value and curb appeal of your home – while simultaneously making the neighborhood envy your latest home upgrade.

  1. Protection From the Elements

A less obvious reason homeowners choose to paint their homes centers around protection. Getting the exterior of your house painted seals the exposed wood and offers additional protection against rain, sleet, snow, and ultraviolet rays.

  1. Preserve the Structural Integrity

Common side effects of leaving wood exposed include mold and mildew, eventually leading to the wood rotting. The added protection of the paint coupled with the standard practice of resealing cracks in the wood and around window seals before painting helps to greatly preserve the structural integrity of your home.

Updated home exterior paint color
  1. Repel Bugs

A less notable, but interesting, thing that some exterior paints do is protect your home against bugs. Some exterior paints have Mildewcide, which is a mild fungicide used to prevent the growth of mold and mildew, that’s added to the paint before application. A lesser known quality of this additive is that it can help to repel bugs from damaging wood. There are several insects that are known to “farm” mold and mildew so it’s common to see different types of insects gathering where mold is growing. Fortunately, with the use of mildewcide the chances of this happening is drastically lowered– No mold, no insects.

How Exterior Paint Can Change the Appearance of Your Home

Ultimately, if you’re struggling to come up with a reason to paint the outside of your house, just know that there’s a multitude of reasons other than “it’ll look better.” Knowing that exterior paint helps protect against the elements, can repel insects, increases the lifetime of wood, AND adds curb appeal, the decision to paint should be a no brainer!

Need something painted? Contact us: (980) 224-3191   Email:

While it may be close to being too late to get on our 2022 Fall schedule, it’s never too early to get a head start on next year’s projects! Spring is a great time to protect your home before the summer heat and bugs start to creep in. The recommended temperatures for the best outcome and longevity is when the low is above 35℉ and the high is below 95℉ (Spring & Fall)

DeHaan Painting for Charlotte

Helping Thousands of Fmilies in Plaza Midwood, Noda, Chantilly, Dilworth, Elizabeth, Myers Park, South Park, Barclay Downs and Surrounding Areas.

DeHaan Painting
“Charlotte’s Premier Painter”
Interior House Painting – Exterior House Painting – Kitchen Cabinet Painting – Limewash Applications – Commercial Painting

Phone: (980) 224-3191
